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                    ___     _     -ÐÅ!     ._____.  ____  ¤~0L_   ,æ
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     |               what you can find today in 'speed':        _________\
     |                                                        _.)
     |  [01-01] ....................................... index \|
     |  [02-02] ..................................... credits  |
     |/ [03-15] .......... euskal party 5 official invitation  |
    ./  [16-31] ......... kindergarten'97 official invitation  |
    |   [32-35] .. short interview with revisq/floppy+anadune  |
    |   [36-39] ....... short interview with drac/ambrosia+cw  |
    |   [40-40] ............................. how to support?  |
    |   [41-41] .......... something about upcoming charts...  |
    |   [42-43] ........... how to get contact with nah-kolor  |
    |   [44-44] ............ list of supporters of speed pack  l_
    |   [45-51] ................ some greetings from blaze...   /
                                                         o        _\/___
                                                         ·\       \/\  /
    _________ ___ __ _  _ __________ _  _ [sPEED #028]    \\        _\/__
   _\ ____________ ________________  ________     ________ \_______|_    |
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  |   _\       \         _  /    /     _\            _\      -r!   \     |
  |_ |__________\       |/______/______________ ____________ ____________|  _|
    \    _______ |______| ____ / __ ___  __ _  _  _ __ ___ ____ ____________\
     \  /                     //
      \/                     ·/  credits for this issue...
   code ............... bald horse/trsi
   graphics ........... lazur/anadune
   hidden graphics .... fade one
   hidden music ....... virgill, supernao, dsx design
   pack music ......... can'ya? by aquafresh/grid
   mag music .......... smell the coffe by raze/ambrosia+cosmic woodheads
   ascii's ............ acid, ctp, crusader, dave, rave, stylez, the founder
   news ............... bit-rat, curt cool, drac, flapjack, guma, hawk, payday
   compiler ........... blaze/nah-kolor+floppy
                    .--------------.                      æ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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        _   _______________________________________________________   _
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           \   E U S K A L   P A R T Y   5   I N V I T A T I O N   /
            The party´s fifth edition will be held at Karmelo Balda
          sportcentre next to Anoeta stadium in San Sebastián (SPAIN).
                  It  will  start at 10:00 25th July (Friday)
                       and close 0:00 27th July (Sunday)
     All the sportscentre will be entirely for us (2800 m2).
     There will be enough tables, chairs  and sockets for all of us and our
     A  powerful  sound  unit, a big screen of 6x4, another one of 2x1 will
     be  available  ;  also  a  Vidiwall  property  of Euskal Telebista (Tv
     Channel) (5x5).
     The party place will remain open 24 hours for participants and it will
     be  possible  to  stay  there  during  the  night  even with computers
     The sportscentre has two changing room with WC and hot showers.
     The cleaning service will be in charge of the good condition of them.
     A 750 m2 room will be  set up for sleeping to have room enough for all
     of us.
     Remember to bring your sleeping bags.
                                                             - support SP@@D! -
     You  can  bring if you wish to, your computer, your works in Amiga/PC,
     utilities, games,...and, of course,the last demos you have achieved.
     You shouldn´t expect to a free Amiga/PC to copy the  demos or graphics
     shown at the party.
     Another  important  thing is to bring  the computerready to  plug only
     in one socket.
     Moreover, everyone has to bring all the equipment (keyboard,screen,..)
     Organizers  don´t  take  any  responsability  on  the  safety  of  the
     equipment people bring.
     Anyway, you can come bringing nothing.
     But we warn you that it can be really boring for you.
     We will have a mobile TV unit and private  channel in the party, so if
     you bring your TV, you will be able to follow the party on TV.  At the
     same  time  the  whole city of San Sebastian will be watching it.  The
     Vidiwall  will broadcast several interviews and overviews of the party
     by an eight people team from the Escuela de Cine y Video.
     Every  thing  broadcast on  the  big  screen  will also  be on TV, and
     therefore, can be recorded on VCR.
     The Townhall  of  Donostia  has hired us the  Sportscentre and all the
     necessary to run the party.  We hope thatt everyone behave properly if
     we wnat to make the party next year.
     The Sportscentre will be open 24 hours  but, at night,every time we go
     out and then back in, we will have to show our ID.
     During  the  night we will have  to moderate the noise.  No alcohol or
     smoking in the party place.  For this purpose there is a Bar near by.
     We hope the good behaviour of all  the participants.  You will have to
     answer  you  break  at  the  party place and if necessary, we will not
     doubt to call the police.
     No  piratism  allowed,  all  the  software  that can be copied will be
     Freeware, Shareware or personal works.
     Only one work per category and person (except demos and 64 kb intros).
     No work will be picked after the deadline.
     Demos and intros could be tested on the organization`s computer.
     There  can  be  incompabilities  between  some  PC video modes and the
     projector, this risk exists and it cannot be forseen.
     PC:  Before   each   demo   the  computer   will  be  reset  to  avoid
          incompabilities with the former demo.
     AMIGA: The computer will be switched off and then on again.
     If  more  than 15 productions are presented, a selection would be by a
     independent  jury  (2D-3D graphics and fast compos are not included in
     this rule).
     Max  length:   4  Mbs (it is not allowed to save anything but a config
     archive during the demo).
     The  demo  must stop when ESC is pressed.  Otherwise the demo will not
     be accepted.
     Max length: 4 2dd or 2 2hd.
     It must be instalable in hard disk, even if it can be run from floppies.
     The  demo  must stop when the left mouse button  is pressed.
     Otherwise the demo will not be accepted.
     Max length: 64 kbs
     The intro must stop when the left mouse button is pressed.
     Otherwise  the demo will not be accepted.
   - PC INTRO -
     Max length: 64 kbs
     The intro must stop when ESC is pressed.
     Otherwise the demo will not be accepted.
   - AMIGA INTRO 4Kb -
     Max length: 4096 bytes.
     It is allowed to include sound.
   - PC INTRO 4Kb -
     Max length: 4096 bytes.
     It is not allowed to include sound.
   - MODS (Amiga and PC) -
     The mod must be Protracker compatible.
     The mods will only be played 3 minutes each one.
     Max lenght: 880 kbs.
     They will be played with a SOUNDBLASTER AWE 32.
     More than 4 channels.
     Allowed: S3M, XM, MOD(Fasttracker), Tocatta (Amiga).
     Max length: 1 Mb.
     They will be played with a SOUNDBLASTER AWE 32.
   - 2D GRAPHICS (Amiga and PC) -
     Max resolution: 640 x 512 plus overscan.
     Max number of colors: 256.
     The graphics must be painted using a 2D drawing program such as Dpaint,
     It is not allowed to use images or brushes created using 3D programs or
     programs like Photoshop and so on.
     Digitalizations are not allowed.
     The images will be displayed using an Amiga.
     Allowed: ILBM, TIFF, TARGA, GIF, PCX.
   - 3D GRAPHICS (Amiga and PC) -
     Max resolution: 640 x 512 plus overscan.
     Max number of colors: 24 bits.
     The program used to develop the graphic must be specificated.
     They will be created using 3D programs such as Imagine, Lightwave,
     Real 3D, Caligari, 3D Studio, ... or similar.
     The graphics will be displayed using an Amiga.
     Allowed: ILBM, TIFF, TARGA, GIF, PCX.
     Only one production per group. It has to be in VHS PAL format.
     It can be done in advance.
     This human demo is about trying to imitate the effects of ademo but using
     the plain audiovisual means of a human being.
     It can include infography.
     For instance: 3D cube rotation => pick a box and move it with your hands.
     The rules will be published during the Party.
     The information about machine specs WILL be updated soon.
     A1200/030 4 Mb Fast + 2 Mb Chip.
     Pentium 100, 8Mb Ram, S3TrioV64+ (2Mb) and Univesa 5.2 loaded.
     Configuration with HIMEM And/or EMM386.
     No mouse and no keyb loaded.
     SB AWE32 and GUS MAX 1Mb (low DMA and IRQ).
     The party will have free internet connection to all computers in the
     party with ethernet card. You'll be free to use Web and Irc. For more
     information, contact with us.
     For more informations about the party, and all you need about this
     great event...  write to:
                               Sabino San Vicente
                           Pza Gernikako Arbola 1,2D
                            20700 URRETXU (GIPUZKOA)
                         Phone ..... +34 (43) 59 41 90
                         Fax ....... +34 (43) 59 15 62
                         E-mail ....

         _\                                                          /_
         \  Visit us!  Euskal Party 5! - Be here or be nowhere! - ;)  /
 _______  :    | ___________/\ :____ ________ _______   :_________  _________
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                    ..(( k i n d e r g a r d e n ' 9 7 ))..
                     1 .................... Where and When
                     2 ...................... Entrance Fee
                     3 .......................... Features
                     4 .................. How to get there
                     5 ...................... Competitions
                     6 ............. Rules and Regulations
                     7 .................. Kindergarden FAQ
                     8 ........... Staff/How to Contact us
1. Where and When
Kindergarden'97  will  be arranged at Hellerud Videregående Skole (College) in
Oslo, Norway.  This is the same party location as Kindergarden 6 was held.
The layout of the party is completly different, though.  Last time we used two
halls  for  the  people,  and  used a part of a huge sports-hall as a theatre.
This  year we will instead use one of the halls for movies/showing compos, and
will  have  a  huge  cafeteria  w/leisure  activities and entertainment on the
stage.   The  main  party will be held in the huge sports-hall, which gives us
LOTS of space.
The doors open at 14.00 on Thursday the 3rd of July.
The doors close at 14.00 on Sunday the 6th of July.
2. Entrance fee 
The  entrance  fee  will be 200 NOK, that's roughly about 30$.  Girls get free
entrance, like they get on most parties.  [Bastards!]
We will accept prepaid entrance fee's, but since the prices are kept as low as
possible,  it  will  still  cost  200  NOK!  Read the "The Kindergarden Staff"
section for adresses.
The  price has, as you might have noticed, risen with 50 NOK.  This is because
the  price  for  the  hall  is doubled [!] this time, because we used A LOT of
power last time.  Also, the party lasts for one more day.
3. Features
   The Main Hall:
·  There  is  space for about 600 people in the main hall.  There are ofcourse
enough tables and chairs.
· The hall has a lot of power, over 1000 Ampere.  If the need should arise, we
can  drain  power from the various classrooms on the school, every one of them
feature about 100 ampere.
· Showers for everyone!  We will set up a separate shower for female guests.
· Clean  toilets!   We  will actually clean the toilets now and then, and take
away all the paper from the wastebaskets...  And put in new!
·  Sleeping  is  allowed  everywhere  in  the  complex  (except, ofcourse, the
locations that are sealed/locked and off limits)
·  We  will  set  up a information-channel running on a few screens inside the
hall w/important messages/what films are currently running etc.
·  No  fucking stealing of equipment!  We've not had problems with this before
and we don't want it now.
· Organizers that are not too shy to give messages/host compos etc.  ;)
Happenings, Entertainment and Leisure Activities:
·  A  theatre  located  next  to  the cafeteria will be showing all the latest
movies nonstop on laserdisk.
· The city-life in Oslo is great, and the subway is located 50 metres from the
· We will set up a few coin-op's in the cafeteria to have fun with.
·  Hopefull the scene in the cafeteria will feature liveacts from cool artists
like Superted & Yebo etc.
· Various suprise events.  (No lame remote-controlled choppers flying around
with lame advertisements though...  Thank god!)
· We  might  set  up  a few machines running IRC so that the addicts can spend
some time on the net.
·  We  will  set up a Kinderegg stand in the cafeteria where you can place all
your Kinderegg figures!
Food and Beverages:
· A  24 hours open cafeteria with food (Even the first day) and beverages with
low prices.  Ofcourse with Kindereggs!
· A  small  kiosk  at  the  entrance  of  the main-hall will sell hot-dogs and
beverages.  (Limited selection)
· A mall is located 20 metres from the entrance of the hall.
· Peppes Pizza is located quite close to the hall.
· McDonalds is located quite close to the hall too.  (10-15 minutes to walk)
            (You are free to set up links/networks yourself though)
4. How to get there
Since  Kindergarden  is  arranged  in  Oslo,  the capitol of Norway, transport
should  be no problem.  If you need to ask for directions, the area around the
hall is called "Tveita".
Go to our WWW page to find maps of the area around the hall.
· Take the plane to Fornebu Airport in Norway.
· Follow the instructions for train/subway.
·  Travel  to  Oslo  S.   (Oslo  Sentralbanestasjon, the 'connection point' of
trains in Norway.  Mother of all stations.  You should find it.  :))
· From there take the subway to Tveita.
· The college is located 70 meters from the station, just walk around the mall
and you will find it.
If  you have problems finding the way, be free to phone one of the organizers.
Please notice, however, that we can not supply any means of transportation for
you or your equipment.
5. Competitions
All competition entries MUST:
· Come with FILE_ID.DIZ (44*11) file that describes the intro.
· Come with .readme file in AmiNET format that describes the intro.
· Come with all required nonstandard libraries.
· Be harddisk installable.
· Have clean exits to the OS.
· Work on 020+ processors including A4000/040.
All  entries  will  be  shown on an Amiga 1200 with either 030, 040 or 060 and
with 8 or more megabytes of RAM.
· Demos will be shown until end or for 10 minutes.
· Pictures will be viewed for about 30 secs each.
· Modules will be played for maximum 3 minutes.  (Except if it is close to the
We  preserve the right to stop showing somewhat 'unserious' or extremly boring
entries at an earlier stage.
Setpatch will be run before any demos/intros.
All  entries  to the competitions must be delivered on disk(s) to the staff in
the cafeteria.
· Disk(s) must be labeled + have a paper w/information wrapped around it.
        Entry Name: 
         Real Name: 
             Disks: x/x
   Amiga Demo ---------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 19.00
·  Max  size for demo is 5 megabytes.  (In runable form, you may ofcourse have
realtime decrunching of exe/datafiles)
·  Max RAM useage is 2 meg CHIP and 8 meg FAST.  The demo SHOULD run on an 020
processor with 4 meg FAST memory.
   Amiga Intro --------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00
· Max file size is 64 kb.
·  Max RAM useage is 2 meg CHIP and 8 meg FAST.  The demo SHOULD run on an 020
processor with 4 meg FAST memory.
   Amiga  Oldschool  Intro  -------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00
· Max file size is 10 kb.
· Should run on an standard A1200, although it may require FAST ram.
· Should have some connection to what intros was used for before.
   Amiga Game ---------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 18.00
·  Max size for game is 10 megabytes.  (In runable form, you may ofcourse have
realtime decrunching of exe/datafiles)
·  Max  RAM  useage  is  2 meg CHIP and 4 meg FAST.  The game must be somewhat
playable on an 020 processor.
You  are  free to make any kind of game you want, and they will be played live
for maximum 5 minutes.
   Music 4Channel ------------------------------------ Deadline: Saturday 15.00
· Max module size 1500 kb.
· Must be delivered in MOD or MED format.
· Entries will be played with HippoPlayer.
Sorry,  no  DIGI  Booster modules, next time maybe.  The format is too unknown
   Graphics Handdrawn -------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 13.00
·  Files  must  only  be  delivered  in IFF or GIF format, and max feature 256
colors.  No obscure screenmodes, entries will be shown on an A1200.
   Graphics Raytraced -------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 13.00
· Files must only be delivered in IFF or JPEG format.  No obscure screenmodes,
entries will be shown on an A1200.
   Graphics Animation -------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 13.00
· Maximum 500 animation frames in 16 colors.
· Animation must be in PAL: LORES (320*256)
   Ascii Logo ------------------------------------------ Deadline: Friday 23.00
· Must be viewable in CED. No ANSI.
   Wild ---------------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00
·  You  must bring your own equipment to show the entries, if it does not work
on an standard Amiga with 8 meg FAST or is over 10 meg in size.
· Please deliver big wild demos in VHS format.
· Brief explanation of the wild demo must be given to the organizers.
· Live acts will have maximum 5 minutes each. (Female nudity allowed!)
                      * THE PRIZES HAS NOT YET BEEN SET *
6. Rules and Regulations
The rules are simple.  We do not want to control your life.  Just be nice.
·  We  do  not  allow anyone selling food, disks and the likes without WRITTEN
permission from the organizers.
· Illegal drugs and alcohol are ofcourse not allowed inside the party area.
·  TOO  intoxicated persons will be thrown out or put in the showers.  We will
not throw you out for good, like some other lame parties do.  (TP/TG sux!)
·  Puking  inside the hall will be fined with 100 NOK.  Please use a toilet if
you suddenly have an urge.
· Any damage to personal and public property must be paid for.
·  We  can  and  will  not  take  the responsibility for any kinds of theft or
injuries.  Not even injuries by our big guards.  You have no witnesses.
·  Smoking  is  not  allowed  in the sleeping hall, the theatre or in the main
halls.   Please smoke in seperate areas put specially aside for this.  We have
not  decided  if  smoking  is  allowed in the cafeteria.  Since it is a public
building,  it's  actually  forbidden  by norwegian law.  (Maybe if we open the
·  No bannerpainting/tagging/etc inside the partyarea.  We WILL catch the ones
who  do  this,  and  we WILL beat them up and throw them in the trash.  (After
taking all their money and calling their parents.)
· Norwegian laws act as normal ofcourse.
· Be polite and smile when the organizers try to fix your problems.
· No drunken skateboarding/rollerblading inside the partyarea.  Be careful.
·  Don't  bitch  the organizers all the time if you can fix something yourself
without us noticing.  (But stay away from the power!)
· It's cool to be crew.  They are gods.
7. The Kindergarden FAQ
There  will  always  be  something  that people wonder about, and will call us
voice and nag about.  This should answer most of your queries.
   Q: Can we reserve tables at Kindergarden for our group?
   A: No, sorry. But there should be no need. Just come in time and grab a lot
      of space.
   Q: Will the toilets be EVEN cleaner this time?
   A: Yes. Ofcourse. We'll even put paper and soap where it belongs.
   Q: Can I go partying?
   A: Ofcourse you can! Oslo by Night is GREAT!
   Q: Can I come with my IBM-Compatible machine and play Quake in network?
   A: No! Die!
   Q: Can I come to Kindergarden if I am a PC scener or an ex.Amiga scener, and
      compete in the competitions?
   A: Yes, as long as you deliver your contributions in the right fileformats
      and on Amiga readable DD disks. Okay, we might accept PC formatted DD
      disks as well.
   Q: Can I bring my microwave oven/fridge/etc?
   A: Sure, if you bring your own supply of power. :)
   Q: Is there any bustrips to Kindergarden from foreign countries?
   A: Check your local newsgroups or BBS'es. We will put information about this
      on our homepage if we recieve any.
   Q: Uhh, like. Do you check our bags?
   A: No, not really. We're too lazy.
   Q: Can I steal some equipment at the party? I really want that harddisk.
   A: Sure. Can we rip out all your nails, beat you to a blood pulp with a
      baseball bat and put needles in your testicles?
   Q: Can we stretch the deadlines?
   A: Can we stretch the competitions?
8. The Kindergarden Staff/How to Contact Us
   The main organizers of the party is:
   Daniel Bruvoll        Acid/Alpha Flight & GRT           Home: +47-63828821
                                                         Mobile: +47-90189390
   Dag Stenstad          Baffle/Delirium & Lightforce      Home: +47-66795921
                           Mobile: +47-92232702
   Øystein Sættem        Arcane/Royal & Mystic             Home: +47-63903366
                         Mobile: +47-93053236
      BBS: Basic Instinct at +47-63828335, Sysop is Acid.
      IRC: #kg97 at IRCNet (Euroside of old EFNet)
                  Contact us if you have unanswered questions.
  Check out their page on the WWW on for really great deals!
                   small interview with REVISQ/FLOPPY+ANADUNE
Handle: Revisq
Function: Musician

Group(s): Anadune^Floppy^Monar
Previous Group(s): Sqnx Team, X-Tension, Legion
Real Name: Patryk Gegniewicz
Age: 19
Nationality: Syrius B .
Age in the scene: good question! i don't know... ha, he, hy...
Your favorites:
Music: All jungle Dj's, all house-trance Dj's. Aphex Twin, The Orb, Future
       Sounds Of London, KBX, sometimes Vangelis
Movie: Blade Runner
Drink: Sprite
Food: Pizza (margarita)
Tv-Channel: Viva (House-fra£ :), trance)
Your scene-favorites:
Group: CNCD, Parallax
Coder: Debug, Simply, Juliet^Case
Graphican: Destop, Facet, Pickpoke
Musican: Groo, Dune, Nao, Yolk^Legend, Dreamfish, Substance
Swapper: Klinton/Monar :)))
Demo: DeepMix, Closer, Zif.
Intro: Pure/Sonik & all from Sonik!
Music Disk: .......
Slide-Show: Eternal
Pack: Speed
Party: Gravity'96!
Scene Country: Finland
Game: .........
Your Configuration: A1200^Hd540mb... only!

What do you thing about Amiga scene: amiga scene is dying slowly!

What  do  you  thing about Pc scene:  pc scene is growing but there's only few
                                      kewl musicians
Anything you want to add, or send greetz:
      Ha .. .. ha,ha . .. smoke hash!
                             eat lsd!

                        ... better tomorrow
                        ... better life
                        ... better...
                        ... gghh4^$#@5
               I'm the black wizard...
               ... end, baj, bye, do widzenia, spierdalac...
  Module swapping or music for your demo/intro/game
  also swapp filemaster config file, system-configuration file...
  - only high quality ambient^jungle^trance modules
  - ... ble,bla,alb ..
  Patryk Gegniewicz
  J.Bytnara 15/38
  02645 Warsaw/Poland
  (048) 022·482891
  please, no lame^new swappers, prefered musicans
              small interview with DRAC/AMBROSIA+COSMIC WOODHEADS
Handle: Drac
Function: Graphician, Swapper
Group(s): Ambrosia, Cosmic Woodheads
Previous group(s): Phuture 303, Scalaris, Defiance, Limited Edition.
Real name: Jan Knudsen
Age: 19
Nationality: Denmark
Age in the scene: 3 years
Your favourites:
Music: Robert Miles, Prodigy etc.
Movie: Independence Day, Twister, Jumanji.
Drink: Wodka, Candyman.
Food: Lasagne, Pizza
Tv-Channel: Mtv, Tv3
Your scene-favourits:
Group: The Black Lotus
Coder: Offa
Graphician: Louie
Musician: Neurodancer
Demo: Captured Dreams/Tbl
Music disk:
Slide-show: Artcore/Scoopex
Pack: Speed
Party: The Party 6
Scene coutry: Sweden
Your configuration: A1230/50mhz, 8mb fastram
What do you think about Amiga scene: I  think it  rultz  of course.  If  not I
                                     wasn't  in  it.  Anyway,  if there aren't
                                     happening something  soon  concerning new
                                     amiga I think the scene will "die"..
What do you think about PC scene: I don't  know much about the  pc  scene, but
                                  it is  a bit too commercial  in  my opinion.
                                  Still I haven't anything agains the pc-scene
Anything you want to add, or send greetz: Just a nice hello to all my contacts
                                          whom  loves  amiga  and of course to
                                          all ambrosiamembers!
              s p e e d  -  your one'n'only way to be more known!
                              ____      _____   _____    _____      ._____.
  wanna send something?     ./  _/______\    \ _\    \ __\    \  ___|_    |
  write here now!         ._l_____      /____/  /____/   /____/_/    /    |
                          |_     /         |                         \   _| -ÐÅ!
  speed staff              /----/__________|--._______________________\--\
  polna 63/5
  212oo parczew         or to one'n'only official spreader of this product:
                                       piastow slaskich 1/69
                                           strzelce opolskie
  charts  will  be accessible when i collect more votesheets (about 100).  when
 this will be, i don't know, this is only your choose!  so be nice, as you will
 vote  for  speed charts!  when you will fill votesheet, please, send it to me,
 jacool or at one of these addresses:
  sloody/network+silicon     melon/nah-kolor+mystic     keldon/giants
  belloni laurent            marcin banasiak            kenneth fajkowski
  7, rue de risquewihr       dabrowskiego 87/4          arvesgarde 30
  68200 mulhouse             58105 swidnica             41744 gothenburg
  france                     poland                     sweden
  def/floppy                 blunt/talent+ghd           korball/amnesty+dxp
  andrzej nowinski           hank wijnholds             przemyslaw korpysz
  p.o. box 9                 martkade 110               niedzialkowskiego 47/8
  01125 warszawa 102         9581 aw musselkanaal       41800 zabrze
  poland                     holland                    poland
  guma/ambrosia+amnesty      the hooligan/freezers      hardfire/intense+ngc
  lukasz pieczara            mikko virtanen             johan roirand
  p.o. box 8705              urpupolku 6a17             35 rue de la comete
  91494 lodz 87              15240 lahti                44230 sebastien-loire
  poland                     finland                    france
     _____      _______   _______ ._____. _______   _____    ._____. _______/_
   ./  __(____./       \./   _   \|     |_   _   \./  __(____|     |_      /
   |   \      |    7    |    /    |     _/   _    |   \      |     _/     /
   |__________|_________|___/     |     |____/    |__________|     |     /
     tF!/u'R!              /______|_____|   /_____|          |_____|    /
                                           c  o  n  t  a  c  t        /
                              _ _____________________________________/_
                \                                        __/__ _
                 \    n  a  h  -  k  o  l  o  r          \/
    ______   ______ .____.        .___.             .____.
  ./  _   \./  _   \|    |_____   |   |_____ ______ |    |   ______   _______
  |   /    |   _    |   _     /   |   /    //      \|   _|__/      \._\___   \
  |__/     |___/    |___/    /    |   \    \   7    |      /   7    |   _(   /.
    /______|  /_____|  /____/     |___|\____\_______|_____/_________|___\_____|
           _ _________\_                                              tF!/u'R!
                                                    at these addresses...
b l a z e                                      q b a
p o l n a  6 3 / 5                             c h o p i n a  4
2 1 2 0 0   p a r c z e w                      1 2 1 0 0  s z c z y t n o
p o l a n d                                    p o l a n d
for speed support, elite mailtrading, joining  for quality modules swapping
m e l o n                                      m a g i c
d a b r o w s k i e g o  8 7 / 4               s p r e f u w e n l a a n  6
5 8 1 0 5  s w i d n i c a                     1 7 4 2  g p  s c h a g e n
p o l a n d                                    h o l l a n d
for paradise support and elite mailtrading     for joining and elite mailtrading
k l o d                                        a m i f l a s h
k r a j e w i c e  3 8                         o s. p i a s t o w s k i e  11/7
6 3 8 0 0  g o s t y n                         6 4 0 0 0  k o s c i a n
p o l a n d                                    p o l a n d
for coding troubles                            raytracers heaven :)
           _____ _______________________________ ___________ _______
          |     |                               |           |       |
          |  1. | majkel/venture                |  355,000  |   8   |
          |  2. | splatterhead/scoopex          |  353,000  |   2   |
          |  3. | darkhawk/iris                 |  337,000  |   1   |
          |  4. | big-rat/abyss+ethic           |  334,000  |   2   |
          |  5. | flapjack/appendix             |  312,000  |   8   |
          |  6. | guma/ambrosia+comic woodheads |  239,000  |   1   |
          |  7. | decoy/passion+puzzle          |  234,000  |   8   |
          |  8. | devistator/abyss              |  230,000  |   2   |
          |  9. | trasher/artwork+bomb+sanity   |  211,000  |   3   |
          | 10. | ctp/mawi                      |  156,000  |   2   |
          | 11. | hiv/scum                      |  140,000  |   1   |
          | 12. | punisher/instinct             |   66,000  |   2   |
          | 13. | hawk/giants                   |   62,000  |   1   |
          | 14. | pepson/opium                  |   24,000  |   2   |
                 todays supporters are ctp, hawk and trasher
    ___________________ ___ __ _  _                      __ ___ _________/\
   _\ ___________    __________  _______     _______    _______  _________ \_.
  |  _)         /_ __\___     /__) ____/__ __) ____/__ _)      |_\       _|  |
  |  \      \           /    /     _\          _\              _/_\      \   |
  |   \____       |_____\_____ ___________ ___________.        |__________\  |
  |_       |______|                                   |________|-r!         _|
    \  ____________ ___ __ _  _  [gREETS]                 _  _ __ ___ ______\
         BLAZE/NAH-KOLOR+FLOPPY sends his best regards to followin' sceners:
                             ace/union+friends zone
            acid/dinx project+appendix+doggystyle+stage diving club
                                bald horse/trsi
                                base/phuture 303
                       black dragon/honoo+limited edition
                                   black fire
                 blunt/ambrosia+talent+grasshoppers development
                                boobba/sector 5
                             braindead/trsi recordz
              budgie/venal+world fantasies+friends zone+doggystyle
                      carp/phuture 303+strobe+friends zone
                             coma/three little elks
                             curt cool/depth+k!nky
                        deus docet/rave network overscan
                         drac/ambrosia+cosmic woodheads
                             dr.szach/dinx project
                     dvize/limited edition+devious designs
                             emer/stage diving club
                      flapjack/appendix+stage diving club
                                gdm/looker house
                  guma/ambrosia+cosmic woodheads+active minds
                     hangman/cosmic woodheads+active minds
                                iceman/sector 5
                             iglo/stage diving club
                     jacool/active minds+stage diving club
                         jim/sector 5+stage diving club
       korball/dinx project+amnesty+apathy+active minds+stage diving club
                               ko$mi/dinx project
                                lfo/phuture 303
                          madel/rave network overscan
                         magellan/royal pc+phuture 303
                             marc/syndrome+sector 7
                                mister no/apathy
                             olka/stage diving club
                      otton/high voltage+stage diving club
                        pickpoke/scum+stage diving club
                          pnx/grave rave dancers union
                       punk/illusion+head+under pressure
                              qix/flying cows inc.
                                raptor/sector 5
                            receiver/limited edition
                       rooster/sunshine productions+head
                        speed devil/sunshine productions
                           tft/rave network overscan
                            the founder/scum+u'race
                             the hooligan/freezers
                                  vega/ram jam
                     zany/rave network overscan+phuture 303
                            zounds/flying cows inc.
       and too all rest who's i know and don't remember at this moment...